(Scroll down to pay 4th Degree Aseembly dues)

Pay dues online: PayPal (https://www.paypal.com/ncp/payment/6V29W6M973KLG)
Online payment of Dues
$25.00 Associate & Insured Members
$11.00 Honorary Members
Program Assessments
$5.00 Measure Up – GIMME5 and
$3.00 Culture of Life – Total of $8.00
Honorary Life Members and those who participated in our Football Crazr Ticket Sales program (and sold six or more tickets) are exempt from paying Council dues. We encourage you to pay the voluntary Program Assessments.
Pay Fourth Degree, Most Holy Rosary Assembly #2170 dues here: PayPal (https://www.paypal.com/ncp/payment/QF6A4D99ESGUE)